Equipment Booking System
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The coming BMS safety training will be conducted on 6 March 2025 (Thu) at 2:30pm in B2301. Pls. spare your time to attend or you may be restricted from using the laboratory. The coming autoclave and cold room training will be conducted on 6 March 2025 (Thu) at 5pm in Yellow zone corridor near cold room! No registration is required and you have to join before you can access the lab. and use the autoclave and cold room!! To Cell Sorter users: A handbook for the cell sorter has been uploaded to this system. In addition, all new users must pass a quiz before gaining access to the cell sorter. To Cell Sorter users: New process for obtaining the calibration beads is implemented. Users are required to come to G2438 to collect the beads for their experiments. Please contact Tyler for more information ( To Diagenode Bioruptor users: Online booking is required to facilitate the use of the Diagenode Bioruptor. Upon booking, users can borrow the adapters from Prof. Rebecca CHIN’s lab (YEUNG-Y2311, 34426770). To Freeze Dryer Users: 1) Monthly maintenance will be arranged for 9:30 AM on the last working day of the month. Please adjust your experiment schedule accordingly. 2) Please ensure that all accessories (e.g., glass beakers, glass tubes) are returned after use. To IVIS users: IVIS is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have urgent needs for using IVIS, please send an email to Tyler To Nikon/ Zeiss confocal users: Please clean the immersion oils after using the immersion objective lens. Failure to do so will affect the equipment's performance. Users who do not clean the oils may have their access suspended. To Azure Gel Doc system users: The system has been upgrade to 400 with RGB detection, including LEDs for excitation at 524 nm, 628 nm - Emission filters at 513 nm, 572 nm and 684 nm for detection of Cy3/Cy5/Cy2 dyes and equivalent. To Nikon NiE users: DON'T SAVE YOUR DATA ON THE DESKTOP!! Please save in the research group folder on the D drive. To Nikon microscope users: PLEASE DON'T use the support WhatsApp (94046982) for service inquiries **Monthly equipment data clean-up will be arranged 9:00am on last working day, please back up your files if need. --------------------------------------------------------------- To all Gel Doc users: Booking is required. To all core users: You should sign the logbook after use. We will send you a warning letter if you failed to sign the logbook. Freeze Dryer users: Booking is required, and please sign in the Log book after use. Important requirements for use of the autoclave: 1) Write down the log book before use autoclave 2) Put autoclave tapes on the items before sterilization and check the autoclave tapes after sterilization 3) Check the autoclave status before open the door of the autoclave. (e.g. Temperature, Pressure, Status lamp should be flash on Warm / Com.) 4) If other people using the autoclave, please Don't disturb the autoclave. 5)Make sure the cycle of autoclave is completed normally before you open the door or turn off the power Thermo HM525NX Cryostat users: Please borrow the sample holders from Baoshan Liao of Dr. Xiong lab upon booking (No1.1) or from Qingqing Lu of Dr. Kim lab (N0.2).
Training Time Table